
Ben Black, Director

Summertime, and the Living is Easy

Ben Black, Director

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Getting away from it all

While Ben has gone away on yet another holiday, he's asked his Auntie Jo to share her experiences. Jo is a successful businesswoman, mother to four grown up children, and a proud grandmother. This week, she's sharing her experiences of how summer holidays have changed over the years.


Summer is a military operation

30 years ago, summer time with four children, living in the U.S.A was not easy. School recess totalled 12 weeks; that's 12 weeks without school or after school activities! Remember, there were no iPads, iPhones or video games at this time, and the internet didn't exist.

So, military precision was required to ensure happiness, entertainment and ongoing education (unless you wanted to risk having to repeat a grade in September).

The word 'stress' did not exist, but a few great words and thoughts remain from that era:

  • Family
  • Bonding experience
  • Trips

Times are changing, fast

Fast forward to today and the value of the above... well, simply put, you can't put a value on it.

What you provide today provides a foundation and a lifetime of memories for generations to come. Of course, let's not forget the missed flights, bad directions, cramped cars, broken bones, shared bathrooms, thrown golf clubs or grandparents' food (to name a few holiday distasters), but equally to any formal education, here are some of the great experiences you are providing:

Bonding, travel, meals, divergence, daring feats, animal greetings, history, geography, culture, tolerance, new skills, friendships, important core values...

Making memories that stick

Today our children are in their 30s and 40s. They recite all the details of the trips we took them on as children - the reminiscing is dynamite, and the sacrifices we made as parents are appreciated. They are even repeating this history with their own children.

Anyway, it's time to get back to the reality of summer holidays: what are we cooking for dinner tonight, or is it take-out?

Jo Perry is a mother of 4, grandmother, and successful businesswoman

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