
Ben Black, Director

Grandchildren are the Ultimate Anti-Ageing Remedy

Ben Black, Director

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A bit of background

Let me tell you about my parents. They are both still alive and kicking and bizarrely seem be getting less rather than more grumpy with age - at least with each other, that is.

There's a worry that as you get older life closes in on you. For the time being, they're leading happy fulfilling lives - and that is partly thanks to me! Here's why...

I have 3 amazing kids. I mean they each have their foibles, but overall they seem pretty well-adjusted and I'm as proud as every other over-competitive, ambitious middle class parent would be.

I'm also recently divorced, which means I have complicated domestic arrangements.

Grand-parental support has been a godsend

The kids have spent an inordinate amount of time with them and been spoilt rotten into the bargain.

They have had fantastic holidays; been smothered by care and attention; forged brilliant relationships with a couple of old folk who love them unconditionally. And they've even had various undeserved presents thrown at them for good measure.

Obviously for me - the time-poor, practically challenged single father it has been nothing short of amazing. Not entirely sure I could have managed without them.

But here's the thing

The children have also made my parents' lives better. The more you do, the more you can do. They have brought energy and play (and a bit of dirt) into my parents' house.

They have helped them discover their inner youth and given them relationships that they otherwise might not have had.

Is there a downside?

Well not really, other than that nagging feeling that my parents aren't quite as thankful as they should be.

I mean, after all I've done for them, the odd thank you letter or a slightly more formal acknowledgement of gratitude would be appreciated.

It's almost as if they don't realise that hanging out with my kids is way better than playing golf with their mates!

Ben Black

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